I think I welcome change more than people usually do. I get bored when I'm doing the same routine every day. I like to move around, see new places, even just rearrange the furniture for some kind of change. Spring is the best time for change I think (spring cleaning, new decorations, new blossoms, etc) so here I have the good, the bad, and the change I wish would happen.
Change #1: A new job
I owe my dad for this. Here's how I got this job.. He hurt his back and went to Dr. Romney to get an adjustment. While he was there, he told him that I'm a massage therapist, and Dr. Romney told him that he would offer me a job (this all happened about 3 months ago.) I went in to talk to him just to make sure my dad didn't mix anything up in his head, and it was all true!
So the end of the ski season is nearing and I went to talk to him again on Thursday, he asked me to start Friday, so WHAM! New job... The first day went absolutely excellent and I do believe I'm really going to like it there. Not as many hours as I would have hoped, but it's a start.
Change #2: Different manager at the current job
I'm going to take some liberty to vent here. I understand that having to learn to manage a spa in a matter of a week and a half is overwhelming. I understand that your mind is in 30 different places at once and you forget things. I really do. But what I don't understand is the fact that you can't tell us when you have a problem with something we're doing. How do you expect us to change it? I don't understand why you can't tell us why we're getting written up. Are you really that gutless? I also don't get how you think it's ok to change the rules with no warning to us. Is that fair at all? No. I have a hunch you may be doing this because you don't think we take you seriously and don't respect you as an "authority figure." There's a reason for that! I really do want to give you a chance, but you need to give me a little motivation, NOT an un-deserved write-up!
Change #3: A PUPPY!!
This change has not happened yet, nor is there a definite time for it to happen. I just really really want it to. It's been almost two years now that we've been without a dog (I still get REALLY emotional about Lucy. I know I'm a dork) and have been wanting one so bad lately. We need to find an apartment where we can have one AND that we can afford though. I think that's going to be the hardest part. I'm really reluctant to leave the one we're in because the rent is so cheap and our landlords are awesome. I suppose we will just have to see what happens and what opportunities come our way!.