This year, we're doing a combined garden with Heather, Chris, Terral and Mary in Chris's parent's backyard. They have a lot of space, but it hasn't been touched in YEARS, so we started cleaning it up and getting ready to till on Monday.
As with anything when we're all together, it turned into fun rather than work. Caterpillar-killing contests, dirt-clod/shovel baseball, who could destroy the most grass, and so on. We even put the dogs to work! Jade helped us dig up rocks (although she'd chase them and bring them back when we threw them) and somewhat helped us pack the weeds down in the trash can.
We are going to eat well this fall!
We'll only eat well this fall if we stop goofing around....haha. dirt baseball...Who does that?
I must say, I quite enjoyed the video since I wasn't able to play. We should organize another game...
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