So this year was one excellent Halloween. On Friday night, we all went over to Terral and Mary's house for a party, which consisted of food, games, and ensuing silliness. Heavy on the silliness.
Saturday followed with my first ever murder mystery dinner! It was a lot of fun and everyone played their parts so well. It was also fun to be the one murdered =D. After that we played a game called "body! body!", a pretty intense lights-off game. What you do is have everyone draw a card (can also be little pieces of paper or whatever) with one marked differently, such as the joker card. Whoever draws the one that's different is the murderer, and when the lights go off, they run around "killing" people. If someone runs into a body they call out "BODY BODY!" and the lights go on and everyone tries to figure out who the murderer is, and accusations and alibis run rampant!
The picture is of the parts we all played for the murder mystery.